Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The iPad challenge is over ... It's fixed. I don't know how and I don't care.

I am now one for one in meeting a challenge on my Camino. I hope it's the last of my iPad challenges. I am now on my way to Madrid so I will start with a little history. When I walked The Camino the first time I did not tell you all of the story. There were just some things I did not write about because they were embarrassing. Here's one that I left out.

I have sleep apnea. I know because I was tested at the Mayo Clinic a short time before I walked The Camino. I spent the night at the sleep clinic wired up. A few days later I was meeting with the Doctor to get the results. I did not do well.

The Doctor showed me my sleep graph which shows where you have an "event". There were several "events" during the night I was tested. She actually said to me "you don't sleep well". Thanks I knew that. She went on to explain that when you have an "event" it can be very dangerous and actually deadly. 

I explained to her that I dd not sleep well that night in part because the sheets had a thread count of about ten, I was in a small room with the temperature set at about 90 being video taped and actually being watched. Throw in the fact that the pillow was the size of a walnut and I was wearing a dozen or more wires glued all over me and yes I did not sleep well. How could I? She agreed but the results told her that I had moderate apnea and therefore I was eligible for a sleep mouth piece. That's the good news because it meant that I would not have to wear the mask which I know just would not work for me.

Here is the blog related embarrassment. The mouth piece is fitted by a specialist and it costs about $2500. I took it with me when i traveled to my first Camino. I had it on the plane to Madrid and yes I left it on the plane! It was actually the first thing I lost and I just did not want to start with that. In addition it was when I arrived in Pamplona that I realized that it was missing. So I was in a panic about facing the next 37 days without it. What to do? Of course I will just dump this on Robin who is thosands of miles away. Sure that makes sense.

I contacted Robin and Sharel and drove them crazy that first day trying to have the airline find it. They could not. So I can only imagine what Robin was thinking that first day. Is this what it's going to be like for the entire Camino? Well that's when she told me to "just deal with it". Of course she was right. There was no other choice. All of my friends who know how often I lose things are not surprised.

I have a new mouth piece made by the same Doctor and it's in my backpack. I will wear it and do my best to bring it home with me along with a number of other important items. So there it is the first update on the first Camino ... There are others which in time I may include. Six hours remaing on this flight.

Have a good day.


  1. Can't wait to hear the rest of your stories!! I know they will be interesting for sure!! May God bless you and watch over you every step of your journey!! Jill.
