Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Camino into Pamplona .... just two photos

Motivated to walk The Camino, I'm amazed.

I have heard from a few people that after reading my blog that they have decided to plan to Walk The Camino Frances. 

It's true. They are serious and have already taken steps in their planning. I only hope that they prepare and train well in advance. I would hate to be a motivator who causes people to journey to France and have a terrible experience. I will do my best to help.

First things first. When do you want to go? How much time can you set aside for the journey. What will be your training routine? Will you go alone or with others? Where will you start? Will you plan for accommodations or just take each day as it comes and find a place to stay when you arrive at your next destination?

There are so many other questions I would like to ask. Clothing and gear are at the top of the list and if not planned for diligently could result in a less than memorable journey.
I look forward to trying to help.

My Camino withdrawal .... How can you miss walking 15 miles a day?

The question is for most people silly. Miss walking 15 miles a day? Who has the time to walk for five or six hours everyday? Not many of us. It's also true that if you do it everyday you would need more than six hours. Weather, hills , fatigue and more all play into the daily walk of 15 or more miles. 

I walked 14 miles today on my old training route without my backpack and the added 22 pounds and it was very different. Today the weather was perfect down along the beach to San Clemente. No hills, no weather to deal with and no weight. 

I took along a small snack and a bottle of water. No need to be concerned about the water because I can just stop at any number of gas stations or convenience stores along the way and buy whatever I need. Not exactly like The Camino. 

The biggest difference was the lack of solitude. Traffic, trains along the beach, people on bikes , construction crews and the occasional  police car or ambulance with its lights blinking and sirens blaring just don't remind me of The Camino. 

I miss the solitude. The long walks in a strange place with endless views all without any unnatural sounds is tough to reproduce. 

I was with Robin last week with friends at a birthday party when I was asked what I missed most about the journey. It made me think and I now know what it is ....  It's the solitude. That rare commodity we all just don't focus on .... The peace and quite to just be alone to think and reflect. I miss that. 

When I tried to answer the question it caused me to remember someting I did on The Camino which I did not write in my daily post. Not sure why I did not include it. Perhaps I just didn't think much of it at the time but I do now. 

I was walking alone, it was a beautiful day and the trail was flat and in good condition. I could see forever in all directions . I stopped in the middle of the trail and took off my backpack and sat on a rock on the side of the trail. I had a snack and drank some water but my focus was simply to just look around me for as far as I could see and focus on just how special this place was and that I was one of a relatively small number of people who had the opportunity to experience this. Completely quiet, not a soul in any direction, I was alone. But I was wrong.

Out of no where a young Spaniard walked up to me. He just seemed to suddenly be there. I had sat there for a short time and I had focused on just taking it all in and being alone so I somehow just never saw him behind me on the trail. He walked up to where I was and simply said " hola, Buen Camino". I returned the favor.

He stopped , removed his backpack and sat on a nearby rock. He drank a little water and said to me just this ..."beautiful". I just shook my head. He then took out his pack of Spanish size Marlboros and lit one. He then offered me one and I took it not wanting to offend him. We sat there smoking our little Marlboro's without saying another word. 

He finished his Marlboro, put on his backpack and once again said  " Buen Camino " and he left. I never saw him again . That's what I miss about The Camino. The solitude, the occasional surprise and the knowledge that once I put on my backpack again I would be one step closer to my next surprise. I can't find that walking 14 miles to and from San Clemente. 

I'm not complaing  about living here . There are a lot of people who would love to live here. Soon when winter wraps its cold arms around people back east there will be a lot more who might want to take a walk with me to San Clemente even if it's a bit noisey .

I know there is more to write. I just need to find the motivation.

After the Camino

I will not attempt to explain all of the reasons why I have decided to continue my Camino journey blog nearly six months after I returned from Santiago. A recent meetings with friends who followed my journey and offered great support without hesitation while also asking me to go back and write again has certainly had an impact on my decision. 

 Their support helped me take my first step onto The Camino everyday for 34 days and for that I will always be appreciative . 

I am as surprised as anyone with the number of times people ask me if I will continue to write on my Blog. It does occur more often than anyone would believe . It's equally surprising that there continues to be people reading the Blog everyday. The feedback has now caused me to rethink the idea of continuing to write.

Robin and I recently visited with a great friend who is fighting a personal medical challenge. I was moved beyond explanation when she told me how much she enjoyed reading my posts each day while facing a very difficult daily medical procedure none of us should ever have to endure.

I was thrilled and a little embarrassed when she said that the daily posts helped her greatly as she dealt with treatment and the fear of what she was facing. She enthusiastically told me how much she looked forward to waking in the morning eager to catch up on my journey. I can only hope that whatever I now post can in some small way continue to help her in the fight against this awful disease .

I will soon reach out to her and arrange a long lunch to sit with her and to more personally share with her my Camino. We had very little time on this last visit and I look forward to seeing her soon. 

While she and others have been nice enough to tell me how much they looked forward to reading about my Camino journey, I now realize that for a few my daily writings caused them to see me differently. Unfortunately I have even sensed a degree of discomfort with some when we are in the same company. 

I'm not sure why but I believe that it has to do with the references to my Camino's spiritual experience.
It was never my intention to write anything which could be seen as trying to force or promote my beliefs. I also never intended to make anyone uncomfortable but I'm afraid that has happened. More about that in the future.

My writings have always been focused on having my Grandchildren get a glimpse of who I was, how I think and my beliefs. I'm not trying to recruit anyone or judge anyone who sees the world differently. It was for that reason I kept much of my thoughts to myself. I avoided every person and conversation on The Camino of a political nature because as I said during my journey I was not going to allow any such conversations to in anyway destroy the very positive experience I was having. Believe me if I had decided to allow my political beliefs into the Blog it would have destroyed the purpose of what I was trying to accomplish. 

I will continue to abide by that rule in any additional writings. 

I have now been back for six moths and I have had an opportunity to reflect on my Camino. On occasion I look at the photos taken many of which were not posted and they have helped me to recall many memories which also were not posted. I will be working on going a bit more granular.

Again, the primary goal will be my attempt to leave behind a story written for my Grandchildren which also continues to give me a personal reward. 

My next post ( no schedule ) will be about my return. Until then, thanks for joining me,Jim.