Friday, September 11, 2015

Breakfast with Rainer and then it's off to Navarette ... I pass the 100 mile point.

Today is my eighth day on the Camino. I start the day meeting Rainer for breakfast. We had dinner last night at the hotel and it was great to meet his"former fiancĂ©" as he likes to call her. We wrap up dinner by 10:30 which for me is the latest night I've had. 

Packed and ready to go I leave the hotel at 8:30. The weather is good but the forecast says it will be in the mid-80's which means I will be very wet by the time I arrive. The walk to Navarette is mostly on paved paths or roads. It's about six miles to the large city of Logrono. I remember that when I walked through the city the first time it was difficult to find the Camino markers. This time is no different. I did make one wrong turn but quickly realized the one block error quickly so it's no big deal. It took me about an hour to get through the city. Once past the city you enter a very large park. My guide book indicates that the park, Parque de San Miguel is on a path which covers 2.2 km or about a mile and a half.

The walk itself is not very interesting but once you get out of the park it's better. Before I leave the city I will stop at the same cafe I was in two years ago. I need to take a break and it's a good point in the schdule. I have a coffee and a dish of olives. An interesting combo but both are very good. The cafe has wifi so I check my email and I have a message from Gunther and Debbie. They are on their way to Paris to celebrate his birthday coming up on the 14th. They have been riding on a motorcycle all over Europe for nearly three months! They head home on the 23rd after what I'm sure has been an amazing journey. That's a lot of time on a bike! 

They and a few of others have asked anout the stones I mentioned a few days back. I'm carring two stones given to me to take to The Cruz de Ferro. Historically pilgrims have brought with them a stone to leave behind either for themselves or for a blessing for others. Often it is to remember a loved one who is no longer with us or it can be a token to ask for a blessing to help someone who may be in need of His help. 

In addition to the stones I have for Beth and Lori I will also be placing other stones along the way. As I do I will share with you who the stones are for. I have selected the stones along the way. There is no shortage of stones to choose from! I will write a name on the stone and leave each in a special place in search for a blessing.

I arrived in Navarette in six and a half hours. The passengers are okay but were starting to send messages near the end. They are still sore and the areas where the wounds started do get a bit irratated  after six hours. I will continue to follow the treatment instructions and keep my fingers crossed.

Once in Navarette I check into the same hotel I stayed in the last time, Rey Sancho. It's less than a hundred feet from the entrance to the 16th century Church of the Assumption . It is spectacular and nearly impossible to believe how beautiful the Church is until you walk into it. I took a photo and will try to share. 

Once I complete my arrival routine I will visit the Church and get something to eat. I am tired and sore from eight days of walking. It takes awhile to get accustomed to stepping onto the Camino everyday without a break. 

It is only 5:30 when I order a salad and soup. I don't come close to finishing half of it. I'm just to tired to eat. I return to the Hotel with the intention of taking care of the blog but I fall asleep in just minutes and wake up at 10:00. The windows are open and the plaza directly below my windows is buzzing with people but I never heard them. It is now 11:30 and I will once again attempt to get back to sleep. 

Tomorrow I will make my way to Najera. It will cover a distance of about eleven miles. Tomorrow nay also be the first day of rain since my arrival. We shall see. Good night. Buen Camino.

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