Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Arrival day

I landed in Madrid in mid-afternoon after a flight of about 12 hours . I did get a little sleep but its not easy for me when the cabin temperature is close to the same as Palm Desert. 

Made my connection to Pamplona on a Turbo Prop which had 80 seats. My seat number was 2C. It was  raining when we took our bus to the plane. When we arrived at the plane we boarded from the rear door so I walked to the front of the plane and sat in row 2 on the aisle. That was a mistake. It turns out that on this crop duster the rows are numbered from back to front so my seat was actually in the very back of the plane. I had already found an overhead spot for my backpack so I just left it because all of the space  near my seat was now taken. It would only mean that I would just have to wait and let everyone get off the plane and them go and retrieve my backpack. A simple lesson in making assumptions on how things work.  I need to remember that I am in Spain.

There are advantages to traveling with just a backpack. In spite of being the last person to get off the Turbo Prop I was the first person through the custom's checkpoint because I was not waiting for luggage . That was a first. The last time Robin and I went to Europe we took enough luggage to require two push carts to carry everything.

At the hotel in Pamplona. Time to get over the jet lag. 
Tomorrow a day to walk and find the Camino. I will be back in Pamplona at the end of my third walking day so I think I will just try to find where the Camino passes through so that I will have some idea on how to find this same hotel on Sunday. Enough for now.

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