Monday, June 10, 2013

Stage 25 17 miles to Molinaseca ... A closer look at the map would have given me a warning, this will be difficult.

I am awake early, it's Monday June 10th. At least I thinks it's the tenth. I received a message about my last post which makes me think it was not posted, so I just sent it. I hope it's not a duplicate.

On to Molinaseca . What I would have seen had I looked more closely at my guidebook this morning is that there will be significant elevation changes leaving Rabanal. The climb will be about seven hundred feet and the terrain will be rough trails almost always covered in rocks, lots of rocks. First a little update.

Equipment. I have now lost two pairs of sunglasses and I have had two additional pair lost to damage. The pair that Loli fixed for me did not make it. Even Spanish super glue could not save my seven Euro bargain glasses. The forth pair to end in the trash were purchased on Saturday at the gear shop. Loli's repaired glasses were starting to show sighs of failure so I bought this fourth pair just in case. I was correct so that when Loli's fell apart I was ready. I paid twenty two Euro for this beautiful pair. They lasted one day falling victim to the Camino when I dropped them on a rock while taking a break. Stage 25 will be without glasses for about twelve miles. A new pair at the end of stage twenty five will put the count to five pair for those keeping score.

Back to the start of this day. 

I am packing and before I will leave for the morning's toast choices I check my email. There are several. All good, friends just checking in and sending kind words about hanging in there and to keep using the ice. All helpful and motivating but there is also one from one of the old sales team which makes my day. 

It's from Larry and he says keep the ice going and good luck and then goes on to say that he really enjoyed the Price only matters... Blog. He said " I remember when you started our meeting with this opening line .... "Does everyone here know that KMart sells men's suits "? I laughed. I do remember that presentation. "Two pairs of slacks, a shirt, a tie and a reversible vest all for just $ 89.99".  Why would you buy a suit anywhere else?" You know where the presentation goes from here. That was fun. 

Fun. Business and fun. Charles always said that the business is not supposed to be fun, it should be rewarding and that can be on many levels but not fun. Speaking of Charles I think now is as good a time as any to explain, as I had promised, where BC Jim and AC Jim came from.

When I was first asked to rebuild the business, I knew that what was needed was a complete remodel. I mean everything. Most importantly I had to find the right people and that would mean that nearly the entire group of existing people would have to go.

What will also be needed is a very direct style of management. One way or the highway. I was good at that. My nickname soon became Simon as in the guy from American Idol. I took that as a compliment. I could be down right brutal. Ever fired someone in a meeting with 300 people there? I did. Not the best way to handle it but I can tell you it was effective.

Fast forward to three years later. Our business is booming, I have great people, our growth is getting lots of attention. But there is a problem. You cannot keep growing without change. What I needed was someone who could help us change our culture, including me. I needed to make that change so that all of the people in the business could improve and develop. People, you must have the right people.

There was a very talented guy working in the headquarters office who had the ear of the Chairman and was responsible for Global Executive Development. I saw him facilitate two management meetings and I knew I needed to hire him. 

There is a process you must follow when moving people from one unit to another, you know, rules.
I skipped all of that, I had dinner with Charles in Philadelphia and made him an offer he could not refuse. He said yes.

There were a lot of people upset with me. Take a number. I knew I was right and three years later I proved it. As a matter of fact Charles and I were asked to give a presentation to the Management Team on how we implemented our changes.

Charles began the work of changing the culture in our business unit and all of our people grew. In addition Charles got me to change. No more firings at meetings, no more razor sharp comments or letters to my peers and the list goes on.

Jim before Charles ( BC Jim) Jim after Charles ( AC Jim ). I do my best to stay in AC mode but I can tell you that BC Jim still makes an appearance once in awhile. I made a lot of great hires in more than thirty years, Charles was one of them.

Speaking of great people. Happy Birthday, Maggie, my Executive Assistant for ten years. And in spite of what Charles said we had some fun. Maggie would agree.

I start on my stage 25 in cooler temperatures. It's 9:00 am, plenty of time to go slow. My leg is better and if I am careful and take more breaks, it will reduce the stress. I estimate that I should reach my final destination by 4:00 leaving time for my gear and a nice break before dinner. 

I could not have been more wrong. I find out quickly that I will be tested today and it will last for the entire 17 miles. As soon as I start, the walk is straight up hill about six hundred and fifty feet. Not really hard but it comes early and I am sore. Throw in the rocks and I am no longer thinking about a nice break before dinner. I am stopping for water more often and I am consuming it quickly. I will need to resupply at the first location available, that's about three miles away. 

When I reach that point I get two bottles of water and some fruit. I need to sit and look at the map in the guide book. When I do, I realize that this day is not going to be like those last three days, long and flat.

I am looking at the map and I will soon be at the top and will then head down about three hundred feet and then back to the top. The real test won't start until about the seven mile mark and then it gets serious. From that point on for the last ten miles I will be crawling down the mountain for about twenty seven hundred feet ! 

I am moving as best I can when the terrain lets me. At the top the views are spectacular. I take some pictures because when I do I am also giving my left leg a break. My right leg is fine but now my shoulders are feeling it. And a new entry in the soreness group, my hands.

Holding on to the poles for more than three hundred and fifty miles while slamming them into the cement like ground and dealing with the rocks has finally shown up. 

There isn't a great deal more to say about today. It's just very hard. I finish my walk to Molinaseca in eight and a half hours. Today has been the third most difficult day. I have one more test ahead of me. It is the one that everyone has been talking about for the last two weeks because it is commonly said to be the second toughest day. That will be my stage 27 which I will face on Wednesday. There will be two six hundred feet changes. First up and then back down before facing the last physical test, a climb of twenty four hundred feet to the top. 

One small problem about Wednesdays walk, I have one before it on Tuesday. Tuesday's walk will be nineteen miles. I need some rest, I'm sore from head to toe. Good night. 

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