Monday, June 10, 2013

Stage 24 ... The 13 mile walk I turn into ....16 miles .... But first let me introduce you to Irish Ann. I gave her that name because it's short for ANNoying

Before my walk to Rabanal I will first bring you up to date on just a couple of things. First while in Astorga Rainer and I bump into Burgos Ray in the plaza near the Cathedral while on our way to dinner. We stop to chat. Burgos Ray is a really nice guy.

I congratulate him for continuing on. When I last saw him he was stopping short of our destination by about six mikes so I thought that given his struggles, he would catch up.

He and Rainer are speaking to each other in German briefly and then he wishes me well on my Camino. We move on. Rainer tells me that in their brief conversation that Burgos Ray has taken the donkey service to get here and that he will be going by donkey service to Santiago tomorrow from here. He is giving up his Camino.

Rainer goes on to tell me that Burgos Ray said that he was home sick and made a mistake by trying to walk the Camino without being prepared. I can understand that. Perhaps he will try again.

We will first stop at a Cafe near the restaurant we are going to because its too early. The name of the restaurant is Restaurante Serrano. Rainer and I pull up a stool and order a glass of wine when Irish Ann arrives and pulls up a stool between us. First a little history.

Back in Mansilla, stage 21 was when I first met Irish Ann. I simply forgot about her and that's not easy to do. It was after dinner and Rainer, Michele and Emma and I are having a beer getting ready to call it a night. This woman, Irish Ann just barges into our conversation and latches on to us. She orders a beer and begins her Q&A. 

She asks me where I am from and I tell her California. That immediately causes her to begin a speech about our current  political structure. I interrupted her and told her that I would not have this conversation or any other political conversation because I would not allow that to damage my Camino experience. She presses on.

BC Jim would have handled this situation very differently. I choose to be AC Jim. I push my beer away and say good night to all and I leave. It's late and I need to rest. Irish Ann has provided me with an exit strategy. She is just annoying

I have not seen her again until she pushes her stool between Rainer and I here in Astorga. BC Jim is about to make an appearance . I said "excuse me, you are not joining us uninvited in an attempt to drag me into a political conversation. When I last saw you I politely asked you to stop and you ignored me. I am not going to allow that to happen again". I turn to Rainer and simply say "let's go to dinner". He smiles, we abandon our $2 glass of wine and we leave. Another good decision. Irish Ann has no idea just how close she was to meeting BC Jim at a much different level. 
Restaurante Serrano is a family business. The Chef is the son, the head waiter is his sister, Mom is also in the kitchen and Dad runs the cash register. The son owns the Restaurant. I will not be able to go through the entire experience so I will just say that it is the best Restaurant I have been to in years. Not just the Camino, anywhere. 

 I like good food and wine. I just walked 20 miles and I would do it again if at the end I would get to eat here. It was that good ! Pat and John a must on the list. Just a note, Pat, John, the Bierzo wine region.

The next morning before my nightmare with my Credential I have coffee and toast. I am up late and I leave at 11:00. I think it's because the bed is so comfortable I am in no rush. Why bother its only thirteen miles.

Fast forward to being back on the Camino. The weather is very nice. I bit cool and a little breeze. The walk today will be flat until the final two miles. My leg is sore but if I go easy I think it will be ok. The first cafe away from the city is about two and a half miles. Add to that my extra three miles and by the time I get there I need something to eat . 

MESON EL LLAR. Wow, it just keeps getting better. I have taken pictures which Robin may post. Simply stated, wonderful. Pat, John, skip the carb breakfast in Astorga and start your day here. 

The balance of the walk is uneventful which is good. I even take a few pictures and I stopped a couple of times, remove the limos, put on some of Lilo's cream and go slow. The last two miles is all up hill and it does cause some limping. I will fix that with ice.

I will have a simple salad and a small dish of pasta. The food is pilgrim food . Not Serrano's. I eat alone. Rainer decided to stay in Astorga and will catch up in a couple of days by donkey. I have my ice and its an early night. It's been a very long day but all is good. 

My leg is improving, I have my Credential and tomorrow stage 25 is a walk of sixteen and a half miles to Molinaseca.

Good night.

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