Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Day 26. A very long, hot day

Today, Day 26 was a very long day. It was hot and the sun was blazing at times when there was no shade for miles. Total miles today 19.1 This is one of the longest days in terms of miles but thankfully the terrain was manageable. 

The march into Molinaseca yesterday was much more difficult, even at the shorter distance. No contest. I met up with Don and Candy today about three miles in and we all agreed that yesterday was one of the three toughest days ... Day 27 tomorrow will also be one of the toughest three. It’s much harder because it follows a 19 mile day and it’s Day 27 so, you're a bit worn out and tired. 

I ended last night early after having dinner with Gary and Margot. My schedule is different from theirs, they will walk a shorter distance than I did today and then a longer day on Saturday. The benefit is that instead of walking 18 miles tomorrow including the very difficult last four miles up the rock covered hill to O’Cebreiro. They will stop six miles short and then go over the O’Cebreiro hill the next day. They will then walk to a village about ten miles past the hill. Confused? Me too, and I’m writing this. 

I left the village this morning at 8:30. I walked into Villafranca del Bierzo at exactly 4:15. I estimate that I took breaks which totaled about an hour and a half which means I covered the 19.1 miles in about six and a half hours. Not bad. The day would have been over 20 miles but at the last option I decided to take the road route and cut about a mile and a half off the total. A mile and a half less is great but the option of walking for about three miles in the blazing sun with one foot on and one foot off the road was not a good idea. The road is narrow and the trucks and buses are just flying past you. There is no room to go anywhere and it was hot... very hot. 

There was a nice bonus on arrival. My hostel is very nice, very quiet and they will do my laundry for six Euro. The room is small but a nice surprise is that the bedding is great, unlike most of the places I have stayed in where the thread count is normally about ten and the pillows are the size of marshmallows. I just returned from the plaza after having another ensalada mixta and I’m tired and looking forward to a comfortable bed before the very tough Day 27.

Tomorrow is in my opinion the hardest day on the Camino. Long and difficult up hill climb for the last four or five miles with lots of rocks. I consider it the final exam. You make it to O’Cebreioro and you have passed. You may not yet be finished but get past this day I think you will be going to the graduation in Santiago. By the way, tomorrow Day 27 is S day. There are eight letters in SANTIAGO which is how many days I left to complete the Camino ... so tomorrow is S day.

Good night . Buen Camino.

Miles today: 19.2 
Miles to date: 396.7
Steps today: 49,052
Total steps to date: 922,288
Total flights to date: 672
Total donations to date: $34,700.40

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jim, I am sorry to hear it is still so hot there. You are amazing. Thinking of you.
