An interesting day to say the least. I received a number of nice messages and one which included a note, from Despina, about going to Church and lighting a candle for me and praying for cooler weather. Thank you. Today was a beautiful day and yes it was cooler with a nice breeze. By far the best walking day, cool, flat and short.
I did wake up at 4:30 in the morning, sent a couple of messages and then did get back to sleep. Slept in until 8:30, grabbed a coffee and was on my way to Carron de Los Condes a twelve mile walk along one very straight road. I did not see many of the usual faces today perhaps because of my late start. I just powered through the first eight miles and then met Don and Candy taking a break at a little cafe. I joined them for a quick Coke Zero and then back at it.
Once in town I did recognize much of it. It just takes that one last turn into the village before I see a building or two and it does come back to me. First memory was this is the place where I met Irish ANNoying. I even walked into that little bar and took a look but left quickly because the place was empty.
I checked in and of course I have a room that would probably not be large enough to be used as a prison cell in most states back in the US. Once in the room I return to the front desk to ask if there are any other rooms to chose from. Of course there are none. I don’t think this room will work at all for the laundry so I ask if there is any laundry service and I’m shocked and happy when he tell’s me yes. I think he said it would cost 9 Euro and he hands me a laundry bag. Have it to him by 4:00 and it’s back by 7:00. Perfect.
I stop across the street for a short beer and I’m greeted by Brazil, Tiny and a third Brazilian. The new guy speaks perfect English so he handles the conversation. I’m naming him English Brazil. He needs to leave quickly because he is taking a taxi to Leon to meet his wife who is flying in from Brazil. He will pick her up and then taxi back here where they will finish the balance of the Camino to Santiago together.
Gary and Margot are with their friends who will walk with them for another day and then return to their other travel plans. They have invited me to join them for dinner at 8:00 at their hotel. Their friends, Stephen and Tracy who also live in Connecticut joined them yesterday and will walk with them tomorrow before leaving for northern Spain and beyond. Dinner was terrific at a very nice restaurant in the very best hotel in town. I stayed there once before but tonight I get to sleep in a room so small it would not be up to minimum size for solitary confinement in the federal prison system. The wine was Ribera Del Duro and it was terrific. The conversation was even better. Looking forward to seeing them on the 18 miler we all face tomorrow.
So here is the final comment for today. As I have said many times , the most dangerous part of the Camino is getting in and out of the showers ... they are all like skating rinks. Well today I proved myself right. As I was attempting to get into the shower I was instantly going upside down. It happened so fast I really don’t remember much of it. The good thing was in that instant I was able to grab a towel rack which fortunately was properly bolted on the wall. The end result was a pretty nasty lump on my head from hitting the corner of the tiled wall and a chipped front tooth. Believe me it could have been so much worse. I have the piece of the tooth but it’s not gong to matter. It feels weird but Robin has already called Dr. Zarnegar and I’m in to see him on October 1st well before I have the privilege of officiating at Sharel and Andrews weeding in mid-October. All part of the journey!
Before I went to dinner I did go the the Camino shop to buy flip-flops for the shower. I should have done it sooner but I didn’t. No big deal.
Good night, Buen Camino.
Miles today: 12.5
Miles to date: 212.5
Steps today: 31,879
Steps to date: 610,519
Flights to date: 602
Jimmy, your daily adventures along the WAY never cease to amaze, inspire and entertain me! Thank GOD you're okay and can continue on - more prayers are coming your way for safety and cooler weather:-) - Love you.
ReplyDeleteI lunch with Bill Boscow today. He sends his regards, admiration and says you need to spot him 5 points the next time you play racketball. Buen Camino, my friend.
Wow so glad your injury wasn't worse. Prayers being said for a safe journey on the Camino and in and out of the shower.
I meant to add this to the previous comment that when I read the title of today's blog entry I thought maybe you stopped along the way to take a few chip shots. Sorry about your tooth.